Company profile
Midland Community Pharmacy Group's overarching vision is to support and strengthen the role of Community Pharmacy in Primary Health Care achieving positive clinical health outcomes for patients in Waikato, Lakes, Tairawhiti and Taranaki.
We are committed to the development and implementation of new clinical services to support patients with their medicines that also integrate with Primary Care (general practice), secondary care (hospital), community health providers and key stakeholders.
We are focused on clinical best practice and facilitate continuing professional development of community pharmacists in our region with a primary focus on improving Māori Health outcomes, by developing new models of care to expand the capacity and capability of the pharmacy workforce and increase clinical expertise.
Midland Community Pharmacy Group is a not-for-profit Charitable Trust governed by a Board of Directors.
MidCPG Team
Senior Management Team:
- Operations Manager Kylie Engebretsen
- Clinical Project Manager Jane Abel
- Finance Manager Wendy Goble
- Medicine Management Pharmacist Anika Patel
- Medicine Management Pharmacist Manisha Smith
- Clinical Pharmacist Nalini Ganaeswaren
- Clinical Pharmacist Bellina Lu
- Project Manager: Kasha Latimer M: 027 227 9151
- Project Coordinator: Steph Mclennan M: 027 419 0068