Midland Community Pharmacy Groups (MidCPG) vision is to support and strengthen the role of Community Pharmacy in Primary Health Care in order to make a positive difference in the health of the people in the Midland Region.

Service Contracts, Course Accreditations & Service Documents (Toolkits)

  1. Access is restricted to employees working within a MidCPG member pharmacy who formally holds MidCPG Service Contracts.   
  2. Service documents are the Intellectual Property of MidCPG and are not to be shared without prior approval.  
  3. Clinical References are acknowledged throughout training modules.
  4. Enrolment Codes are found in the MidCPG "Service Information and Induction Pack" to obtain a copy: Kylie@midcpg.co.nz 
Course Accreditation

  1. Pharmacists must complete course accreditations (obtaining a pass rate of > 80%) before service provision can commence. 
  2. Course refreshers should be recompleted at least every 3 years 
  3. Interns are welcome to complete courses for additional learning but are unable to provide services until fully qualified. 
Course Resets

  1. Email MidCPG  info@midcpg.co.nz to request course resets.  
  2. During the re-set process both the previous Quiz attempt and certificate are deleted, so updated attempts can be auto- populated.   
  3. Please ensure you keep any copies of old certificates saved externally for your own records 

Cultural Competency:  Via the Integrated Community Pharmacy Services Agreement (ICPSA), community pharmacies and pharmacists, are required to act in accordance with the Crown's principles for action on the Treaty of Waitangi and develop and deliver services that improve health outcomes for Māori.   Link: Cultural Fluency Course

Telehealth:  Currently, MidCPGs funding contracts do not enable services to be delivered via Telehealth.   

Errors or broken links:  We are eager to hear your feedback if you wish to question clinical content or you notice broken links info@midcpg.co.nz

GROOV - Mental Wellbeing in the Workplace

Course Summary:

MidCPG have engaged GROOV as a provider of Mental Wellbeing in the workplace.

Sore Throat Management - Waikato

Course Summary:

Updated May 2024 

Gout Education, Management and Uric Acid Testing

Course Summary:

This Gout Educaton and Management course is for contracted Pharmacies in Waikato, Tairawhiti, Lakes and Taranaki. 

Head Lice and Scabies

Course Summary:

Service for Rotorua, Taupo and Turangi Pharmacies. 

HEP C - Point of Care (PoC) Testing

Course Summary:

Hepatitis C - Point of Care (PoC) Testing and Management in Community Pharmacy

OAC 1 - Warfarin and Dabigatran

Course Summary:

Implementation, advice and information for the delivery of Oral Anti-Coagulant Education (Warfarin and Dabigatran) 

OAC 2 - Rivaroxaban Patient Education

Course Summary:

Care needs to be taken when switching patients to and from rivaroxaban due to the increased risk of bleeding.

Pre-Medication Assessment for Medication Oversight (MO)

Course Summary:

Implementation advice and information for the delivery of Pre-Medication Assessment for Medication Oversight (MO)

Smoking Cessation Education

Course Summary:

MidCPG's Smoking Cessation service aims to provide advice and information to those wishing to Quit Smoking. 


Course Summary:

This course is closed and archived - Please go to new course here: 

Pharmacists can access historic accreditations certifications only. 

SSRI Patient Education

Course Summary:

MidCPG No Longer FUND SSRI Consultations.

This course is open for your learning information.